Price of Pusling speed boat
This Speed ​​Boat is designed for the needs of ambulances or puskesmas around the water, has high speed, good stability and is equipped with medical equipment, evacuation, sophisticated navigation equipment and luxurious and attractive interior
PT. INDONESIA FIBERBOAT is SHIP SHIP and SPEED BOAT with Fiberglass, Aluminum and steel. Our Products are SEANOCS Brand, with the best shipping graduates in Indonesia in the field of Naval Architect and Marine Engineering so that our product is a product with the right calculation and construction and not escape from a comfortable and elegant design. We are also working together with POLICE TECHNOLOGY OF SERABAYA SHIPMENTS (PPNS) and BALITBANG TNI AL in the field of Research and Training, Design Development, and Construction of Speed ​​Boats and Ships, The following products we produce include:
1. Ambulance Boat 6 Meters
2. Ambulance Boat 8 Meters
3. Ambulance Boat 10 Meters
4. Ambulance Boat 10 Meter Catamaran
5. Ambulance Boat 12 Meter Catamaran
Besides our Ship production, we also servePLANNING CONSULTANT SERVICES and SHIP SUPERVISION CONSULTANT SERVICES, Both Fiber Ships, Luminium Ships, Wooden Ships or Steel Ships.
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Warehousing and Industry SAFE N LOCK BlockV.1 No. 3263 Raya Lingkar Timur, Sidoarjo, Indonesia
Pantai Ria Kenjeran (KenPark) Blok VillaLaut. Jl. Sukolilo No. 100 Surabaya, Indonesia
Workshop II
Non-Metal Repair Workshop Surabaya State Polytechnic - ITS Sukolilo Complex Surabaya
Mobile: 081357448402 (Zainal)
Tel. 031-9090503, Fax. 031-99010503
Email:[email protected], [email protected]